Monday, September 30, 2019

Factors Affecting Adolescent Development Essay

  Adolescence is a transitory stage from childhood to adulthood, characterized by significant physical, emotional and social changes. Developmentalists used to view adolescence as a tumultuous stage due to stress of individuals who want to become an adult long before becoming one. But now, a changing perspective is taking place. Adolescence is no longer a stage in life that is full of conflict but one that is full of opportunities to become a better person. Hereditary and environmental factors play an important role in making sure such opportunities are maximized. These factors are crucial in determining how an individual goes through adolescence. Physical Development Puberty is noted with a surge in hormone production and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, causing a number of physical changes (Aacap & Pruitt, 1999). For example, girls begin to develop breast buds, grow hairs on pubic area, legs and armpits, start to menstruate, develop wider hips and grow in height. Boys, on the other hand, may begin to experience enlargement of the adam’s apple, testicles and scrotum, develop facial hairs as well as on the pubic area, armpits, legs and chest, develop deeper voice and also grow in height. Puberty timetable, as well as the characteristics developed during this stage is influenced primarily by heredity, although environmental factors also contribute such as diet and exercise. The aforesaid physical changes are triggered by the pituitary gland, as the hormonal balance leans towards an adult state. The pituitary glands secrete hormones, such as testosterone for the boys or estrogen and progesterone for the girls. Read more:  Factors that influence child develop The major landmark of puberty for the boys is the first ejaculation and menarche for the girls. The age of menarche depends on heredity though the girl’s diet and lifestyle are determinants, as well. To experience menarche, a girl must attain a certain level of body fat. So a girl with a high-fat diet and lives a sedentary lifestyle menstruates earlier relative to a girl with low-fat diet and exercise regularly. Girls who have poor nutrition or experience physical labor at an early age are expected to begin menstruating at later years. Cognitive Development During adolescence, cognitive development is characterized by the ability to think methodically in analyzing all the relationships in a given problem (McCormick, & Pressley, 2007). However, this development takes time and varies from one adolescent to the other. Some may apply logical thinking in school work before they can analyze their personal lives in the same manner. Adolescents begin to see their world in more complex ways which can influence their decision making either in a negative or a positive way. Adolescents should be at what Jean Piaget called â€Å"formal operations† stage where they experience the need to think independently and efficiently, more advance and complex. There are five ways that this ability manifests: (1) to think of possibilities not limited to what is real; (2) to think about abstract ideas; (3) to think about the process of thinking itself; (4) to think at multidimensionality of things rather than to focus at a single issue; and (5) to see things as relative rather than absolute. It is widely accepted that the intellectual capacity is determined by heredity and environment. Studies about intellectual development during adolescence in the field of developmental neuroscience show that â€Å"significant growth and significant change in multiple regions of the prefrontal cortex throughout the course of adolescence, especially with respect to process to myelination and synaptic pruning (both of which increase the efficiency of information processing),† (Steinberg, 2005) To make the most out of these changes, they must be complemented by a positive environment for healthy cognitive development. Adolescents should be encouraged to join discussion about a variety of topics, issues and current events. They should be allowed to think on their own and to share their ideas with others. Stimulating them to think about future possibilities and guiding them towards their goal allow them to even out the wrong decisions they make. Social, Moral and Personality Development Individuals suffer from identity crisis during adolescence. According to Erik Erikson’s Theory of Identity Development, identity crisis is the most important characteristic of adolescents (Erikson, 1968). Although cultures define a person’s identity and thus varies from one culture to another, the accomplishment of this development task has a common denominator for all cultures. Core to his theory is for the adolescent to establish an â€Å"ego-identity† and to avoid â€Å"role confusion† and â€Å"identity confusion†. A sense of identity in occupation, sex roles, politics and religion must be developed during adolescence. The ego-identity changes constantly as an individual acquires new experience and information through social interaction. According to Erikson, adolescents have to make an account of his/her assets and liabilities and what to make out of them. Adolescents have to find their own identity by examining their past, present and future linked together. However, this is difficult as the past has lost the attachment of family and community tradition, the present is occupied by social change and the future has become more unpredictable. The role of peers during this period is highlighted as they give the sense of acceptance to the adolescent seeking for social approval. Those who are able to receive positive feedback and encouragement turn out to have a strong sense of who he/she is and a feeling of independence and control. Those who fail to find his/her identity are likely to be insecure and confused about themselves and the future. For Robert Havighurst, individuals have to acquire developmental tasks defined as skills, knowledge, functions and attitudes (Turner, 1996). They are acquired through physical maturation, social expectations and personal efforts. Achieving these development tasks lead to happiness and success with later harder tasks while failure in a given developmental task result to lack of adjustment, increase anxiety, social disapproval and helplessness to manage more difficult tasks to come. Some of the developmental tasks are need to be achieved within a time limit which Havighurst called â€Å"teachable moment.† If the task is not mastered during this time, it becomes harder, if not impossible to accomplish. Society plays an important role by providing the socializing agents, as well as the method of reinforcement and punishment, to allow the individual to learn the developmental tasks according to their proper age levels. According to Havighurst, for adolescents aged 12 to 20 years old, their development tasks include: (1) accepting one’s physique and accepting a masculine or feminine role; (2) new relations with age-mates of both sexes; (3) emotional independence of parents and other adults; (4) achieving assurance of economic independence; (5) selecting and preparing for an occupation; (6) developing intellectual skills and concepts necessary for civic competence; (7) desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior; (8) preparing for marriage and family life; and (9) building conscious values in harmony with an adequate scientific world-picture. References Aacap & Pruitt, David. (1999). You Adolescent: Emotional, Behavioral and Cognitive Development from Early Adolescence Through the Teen Years. NY: Harper Collins Publishers. Erikson, Erik. (1968) Identity: Youth and Crisis. NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. McCormick, Christine & Pressley, Michael. (2007). Child and Adolescent Development for Educators. NY: The Guilford Press. Steinberg, Laurence. Cognitive and Affective Development in Adolescence. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Vol.9, No.2 February 2005. Turner, Jeffrey. (1996). Encyclopedia of Relationships Across the Lifespan. NY: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Appearances are Deceiving in Shakespeare’s Macbeth Essay

The Renaissance play The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, truly demonstrated a compelling tale of greed, power, and jealousy. The play revealed the turn of a good nobleman into a powerful and greedy king. It showed audiences how one crime led to another and eventually to a gruesome melee. Throughout the tragedy there appeared to be a reoccurring theme stated finest as appearances are deceiving. The audience is first introduced to the theme in the first scene of the play where the witches said the profound phrase, â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair† (I, i, 10). The Tragedy of Macbeth continued to present the idea of images being deceivingly different from the actual appearance. First, in Act I, the key phrase, â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair† (I, i, 10), was expressed as an example of the constant theme. That main phrase foreshadowed how appearances could deceive because, in essence, it stated that good was bad and bad was good. At first, the audience was shown that Macbeth was a gentle nobleman who would despise the thought of killing. However, Lady Macbeth, his wife, was greedy from the start of the play and continued to persuade her husband into killing the king, Duncan. The phrase foreshadowed the change in characters as well, because Macbeth was the â€Å"fair† individual, as his wife would start as the â€Å"foul† one. Further on, Banquo asked Macbeth, â€Å"Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear / Things that do sound so fair?† (I, iii, 51-52) after he was told news by witches that he would be king. He was asking why he was frightened by good news; meanwhile, the audience knew that the witches were pernicious souls. In that passage, the appearance or sound of the news was good, but the truth was not fully told and therefore was misleading. Next, Lady Macbeth tells her husband, â€Å"Only look up clear / To alter favor ever is to fear† (I, v, 70). She told Macbeth to look composed and that he should not have an altered or worried face because such behavior would be dangerous. If the noblemen had noticed Macbeth acting nervous then he would be a prime suspect for the future murder they talked about. Lady Macbeth’s plan was to be calm and camouflage their guilty appearance, deceiving everyone. She coveted the title of queen to such an extent that she continued to badger her husband into killing the King until he said yes. After, they conspired his murder, Duncan arrived at Inverness, Macbeth’s castle, and said, â€Å"This castle hath a  pleasant seat; the air / Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself / Unto our gentle senses† (I, vi, 1-3). This quote was ironic and again demonstrated the thought that appearances are deceiving. The audience knew that Duncan was going to die there, which certainly not pleasing or nice, as he described the castle. The appearance of the castle’s serenity was deceiving. In Act I, many examples showed outward appearances were in reality deceiving to the characters. Furthermore, three main examples in Act II clearly stood behind the theme of the drama. Looks appeared deceiving first when Lady Macbeth was told about King Duncan’s death by Macduff. Lady Macbeth pretended as if she was shocked by saying, â€Å"Woe, alas! / What, in our house?† (II, iii, 82-83). She asked the question as if she did not know what had happened; her appearance in the situation was misleading to all the other characters. Later in the same scene, another example of Lady Macbeth’s facade occurred when Macbeth started rambling and drew attention to himself. To distract the guests, Lady Macbeth feigned fainting, gasping, â€Å"Help me hence, ho!† (II, iii, 113). She took on the form of a mourning, frightened woman. Soon after her performance, Duncan’s sons, Donalbain and Malcolm, contemplated fleeing. Donalbain commented, â€Å"There’s daggers in men’s smiles† (II, iii, 134). Here he was saying that one of the noblemen was lying–pretending to be their ally when in reality one of them is a wretched murderer. He and Malcolm flew for fear of their own lives, but to others it seemed to be a sign of their guilt, another false appearance. These three examples in Act II fortify the theme of false appearances. Additionally, Act III was replete with examples of the theme. Macbeth told Banquo, â€Å"We should have else desired your good advice / †¦ / In this day’s council; but we’ll take tomorrow[,]† (III, i, 20, 22) even though he knew Banquo will not see tomorrow, for Macbeth was arranging his murder. Then, he calumniated that Malcolm and Donalbain â€Å"are bestowed / In England and in Ireland, not confessing / Their cruel parricide,† (III, i, 29-31) when, of course, he knows they are innocent of any wrongdoing. After Banquo leaves his palace, he told his guests that â€Å"To make society / The sweeter welcome, we will keep ourself / Till supper-time alone[,]† (III, i, 43) when in  reality, he just wants time to consort with men to scheme Banquo’s murder. In a discussion with his wife just before supper, Macbeth tells her to â€Å"Let [her] remembrance apply to Banquo[,]† whilst he knows that Banquo will be dead that night. Macbeth p eriodically deceives his guests with his words. In addition, Act IV of Macbeth abundantly used examples of deceiving appearances. In the first scene of the fourth act, the three witches conjured apparitions for Macbeth. The second apparition, a bloody child, told Macbeth, â€Å"†¦for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth† (IV, i, 80-81). Macbeth assumed every person was born of woman; therefore, he was invincible. However, he did not see that the apparition was implying an unnatural birth, a caesarian section; and a false sense of hope was instilled in him. The third apparition, a crowned child holding a tree, proclaimed, â€Å"Macbeth shall never vanquished be until / Great Burnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill / Shall come against [Macbeth]† (IV, i, 92-94). Macbeth again took this warning as he pleased. The king exclaimed that trees could not uproot themselves and walk toward Dunsinane Hill, upon which sat his house; therefore, Macbeth would never be vanquished. The apparition, however, meant when the wood itself, which could be cut down and carried by people, reached the hill, he would be vanquished. While this was happening, Macduff, a former friend of Macbeth, left in search of Malcolm, the rightful heir to the throne. Macduff needed the help of Malcolm to overthrow the tyrant. When Macduff reached Malcolm, he was unsure if he could trust Macduff so he fabricated a false scenario of what it might be like if he were king. Malcolm told Macduff, â€Å"and the poor state / Esteem him as a lamb, being compared / With my confineless harms† (IV, iv, 53-55). Malcolm made himself out to be an immoral man to test Macduff. Malcolm actually wanted to discover if he could trust Macduff’s intentions. In Act IV, Macbeth was oblivious to the double meanings, but soon after the terrible truth announced itself to the overconfident Macbeth. Finally, in Act V, the three apparitions came true in reverse order, and the second and third apparitions surprised Macbeth with their ambiguous meanings. The third apparition was brought to Macbeth’s attention by a messenger who exclaimed, â€Å"Within this three mile my you see it coming / I  say a moving grove† (V, v, 37-38). Macbeth began to realize the grave meanings of the apparitions. He began to suspect the ambiguous meanings and proclaimed, â€Å"I pull in resolution, and begin / To doubt th’ equivocation of the fiend / That lies like the truth† (V, v, 42-44). Next, the second apparition proved itself true. Macduff came to fight Macbeth, but the king was not at all frightened. Macbeth told his adversary he had no reason to fear Macduff because any person born from a woman could harm him. Macduff replied, â€Å"Macduff was from his mother’s womb / Untimely ripped† (V, viii, 15-16). Startled, Macbeth then realized that the second apparition meant that one born and unnatural birth could slay him. Macbeth was ashamed that he had refused to see the apparitions’ warnings. Macbeth then said, â€Å"And be these juggling fiends no more believed / That palter with us in a double sense† (V, viii, 20-21). Macbeth had been defeated and it was no one’s fault but his own for being close-minded and overconfident. The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, had numerous examples of deceptive happenings. The play shows how one evil deed will lead to another. Shakespeare also showed how a person’s character could reverse drastically through the many happenings a person must endure, good or bad. In this case, the change was sparked in Macbeth due to his own greed for power. At the beginning of the play, the phrase was spoken: â€Å"Foul is fair, and fair is foul† (I, i. 10) by the three malevolent witches. Shakespeare’s play kept readers on guard by continuously presenting the idea of images, actions, and words being deceivingly different from how they appeared.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discuss the proposition that the experience of downsizing leads to the Essay

Discuss the proposition that the experience of downsizing leads to the de - motivation and demoralisation of employees - Essay Example 693). Specifically, the debate on whether or not downsizing demoralises and motivates employees is the issue this paper would like to delve on. Nothing is constant in this world except change. Change is progressive. It is inevitable that it has to be addressed, no matter what. The more you avoid it, the worse you end up, yet you should not also deal with it haphazardly. In a fast developing world, change is something you should always prepare for, because the faster development occurs and so is with change. This is the dilemma most companies, big and small, confront today especially so that in a continuously changing global economy, companies see their survival primarily on the displacement of employees. What initially was an American phenomenon has transcended national borders. Several European organizations (including Volvo, British Airways, Vivendi, and Alcatel), as well as Asian companies, such as Fuji, Sony, Toshiba, Nissan, and Daewoo, have experienced layoffs, divestitures, and closings in recent years. This downsizing is especially significant given the labour laws, worker councils, and national cultures that traditionally have supported lifelong relationships between employers and employees. In China, for example, mores were at one time so strong that this type of organizational activity was referred to as ‘taking away someones rice bowl’ (that is, the company would be removing an individuals means of income). (Marks & De Meuse 2003, p. 3) These downsizing practices have been gaining criticism from different sections of society in every part of the globe. This dilemma becomes more pronounced as the world economy worsens because competition among corporations becomes stiffer and harsher further sharpening the inherent contradiction between labour and capital. In their study of industrial relations systems in the UK, Turnbull, Blyton & Harvey (2004) observed that, adversarialism rather than

Friday, September 27, 2019

Analysis of Newspaper Research Report Results Paper

Analysis of Newspaper Report Results - Research Paper Example The news report did not mention the kind of statistical procedure used in the study. As mentioned in the news report, I agree that it is valid and necessary to combine land and marine temperature in order to measure the average global temperature. Basically, the temperature in land and marine areas are different from each other during day and night. The idea of combining the temperature of land and marine areas is to enable the statistician determine the average global temperature within a given time frame. To determine whether a statistic is statistically significant, it is necessary to get the difference between a sample statistic and a specific population parameter (numerator) before dividing the value by the standard error (denominator) (Urdan, 2005, p. 64). For this reason, it is more difficult to confirm the statistical procedures as mentioned in the news report is valid given that the length of years used in each period of time varies from one another. and vice versa. It means that when the sample size is small, bigger the standard error will be. Since a bigger sample size will have smaller standard error, there is a higher probability that the research findings will be statistically significant because of the bigger value as a result. Because of the effects of sample size in determining whether a hypothesis is statistically significant or not, Urdan (2005) explained that it is possible that a small difference between the sample statistic and population parameter to be statistically significant provided that the sample size is big (p. 64). This concept was confirmed by Phil Jones when he explained that it is more likely to achieve a statistically significance given that the available data is good for a very long period of time (Harrabin, 2009, question B). When asked whether the global warming between 1860 – 1880, 1910 – 1940, and 1975 – 1998 were identical, the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nursing Care Plan. Risk for Secondary Infection Essay

Nursing Care Plan. Risk for Secondary Infection - Essay Example This has been attributed to the added effects of aging and medications. The client’s nutrition status is below the normal level, compared with his healthy physique when the signs and symptoms of HIV infection and epileptic occurrences had not manifested yet. His serum cholesterol is higher than the normal boundary. No respiratory conditions can be traced from his recent medical check- up. Risk for secondary infection Assessment The patient was lying on his bed, conscious and coherent. However, he was not oriented to time, place, and person. Wounds and excoriations were noted on his lower extremities. No breathing difficulties noted upon examination. Nutrition status was noted below the normal level. Increased cholesterol level was appreciated on laboratory results. His vital signs were recorded as: Temperature: 37.4 ?C, Respiratory rate: 24 cpm, Pulse rate: 92 bpm, Blood Pressure: 130/ 110 mmHg. Nursing Diagnosis Risk for secondary infection related to compromised immune syste m secondary to HIV infection Planning Within this shift, the patient will not be able to develop infection, and would learn ways to prevent it. Intervention and rationale Assess the patient for signs of infection including fever, chills, and diaphoresis; cough; shortness of breath; oral pain or painful swallowing; creamy-white patches in oral cavity; urinary frequency, urgency, or dysuria; redness, swelling, or drainage from wounds; vesicular lesions on face, lips, or perianal area. Any sign of delayed wound healing may give clues that the patient is currently having an infectious process (Black & Hawks, 2005). Assess the patient’s cognition and mental status. In the elderly population, the signs of infection may appear initially as changes in the mental status and consciousness (Burke & Laramie, 2004). Teach patient or caregiver about need to report possible infection. Prompt reporting of infection increases the chances of faster recovery (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006). Do not allo w any fresh flowers in the patient’s room. Fresh flowers carry microorganisms that could cause harm to the immune- compromised people (Burke & Laramie, 2004). Do not allow the patient to eat raw foods, including fruits and vegetables. Raw foods contain considerably increased number of microorganisms that could potentially cause another infection (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006). Monitor for medication interactions, infections, electrolyte imbalance, and depression. Elderly patients may have other pathological conditions that could necessarily affect hydration status and predispose other medication side- effects (Black & Hawks, 2005). Encourage independence but assist if the patient cannot perform an activity. While it can be necessary to assist the patient in completing activities most of the time, providing opportunities of independence could increase his sense of well- being (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006). Monitor food and fluid intake. Nutrition status generally affects the rate of wound healing and recovery from infection (Black & Hawks, 2005). Teach the patient about the importance of hand-washing and appropriate hygienic practices. These activities prevent the incidence of infection (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006). Evaluation At the end of the shift, the client did not develop any signs of secondary infection. In addition, the patient learned of the importance of hand- washing, hygienic practices, eating the right kinds of food, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Profile without interviewing the person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Profile without interviewing the person - Essay Example His television career also did not remain devoid of exceptional success owing to the fact that the globally acclaimed television project he starred in ran successfully for about six years. Later, Smith experimented with movies as well and conquered that show business area also as was expected from him considering the sheer devotion and dedication which he is naturally bound to show no matter whatsoever he pursues in life. Smith’s movie career was all set considering myriad mega blockbuster hits he starred in and he is also engrossed in acting in movies currently. He married twice and shares his second marriage with fellow celebrity Jada Smith. Smith’s â€Å"20-year career that just keeps getting hotter, all combined to put the actor in that celebrity sweet spot that all stars crave, but few ever attain† (Fox News) and owing to such unique career, he got able to crown himself with the title of â€Å"The Most Famous, Famous Guy of 2008† (Fox

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Coping with Stress (SLP) Module 3 (BHS400) Stress Management Essay

Coping with Stress (SLP) Module 3 (BHS400) Stress Management - Essay Example The journal also reviews a couple of OSM programs showcasing their applicability to the clinical environment as well how cost-effective an effective OSM is to employers. Edward and Burnard (2003) in this source take an in-depth research aiming at identifying stressors, moderators, and all possible and actual outcomes of stress. In their study, Edward and Burnard include measures of stress, burnout, and satisfaction at the work place. With a sample size of 2000 people, the research is relevant in stress management as it identifies the possible causes of stress as well the specific outcomes of different types and levels of stress. In this case, the source provides a background information useful in crafting a stress management program. In this journal source, Murphy (1984) takes into consideration the merits of OSM as he compares studies within the dimensions of work group type, format and the orientation of programs, methods of managing stress, non-specific effects, and the maintenance of skills and benefits on the long run. With reference to worksite stress management programs, Murphy identifies that research connecting the above mentioned factors is fragmented and does not quite satisfy the question, ‘how effective are OSMs with regards to work group-type, format and the orientation of programs, methods of managing stress, non-specific effects, and the maintenance of skills and benefits on the long run. However, his conclusion, that OSMs are effective in aiding employees to cope with stress, merits the relevance of the source with respect to stress management. Employee appraisals to stress at the workplace are the focus of this journal source as Murphy (1996) examines a number of stress management interventions and their effectiveness. With a research approach, Murphy employs a variety of interventions to stress management as appraises their effectiveness from his sample responses. In this case, the source provides credible information linking stressful

Monday, September 23, 2019

Keystone species - Sea stars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Keystone species - Sea stars - Essay Example It may increase population of a species or limit it through direct competition for resources or through predation. The sea stars are considered a keystone species in the rocky intertidal habitat because it determines the habitat’s composition. One of its significant effects is its control over the population of mussel. It dictates the population of mussels within the intertidal region that it inhabits. Even though it can predate many other invertebrates in the middle intertidal, its preference of mussels determines the prey’s population in the habitat. This has secondary effects on populations of other species in the middle intertidal. In the absence of sea stars, mussels grow and colonize the middle intertidal. This leads to extinction of other species such as barnacles and large algae in the locality. This means that sea stars control population of different biotic factors and allows for establishment and sustainability of different species in the middle intertidal, a factor that identifies its supreme influence. Sustainable biodiversity is important to an ecosystem. Sea stars affect biodiversity in rocky intertidal by ensuring a fair environment for survival of all factors in the ecosystem. Sea stars achieve this by controlling population of mussels that is a threat to other species in the habitat. By preferring the prey and by overwhelming it in the middle intertidal, sea stars allows for existence of other organisms that mussels would otherwise disadvantage and eliminate from the habitat. Removal of sea stars threatens biodiversity of the rocky intertidal habitat through facilitating dominance of mussels over other species. It allows mussels into the lower zones and this leads to extinction of other species in the region. Sea stars control population of mussels and their removal leads to extensive dominance of mussel that then disadvantages other

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Nu Metal as A Genre in Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nu Metal as A Genre in Music - Essay Example If addiction is to be defined with respect to music then it is love and passion. Music takes many forms. Each genre is unique. Styles, region and origin make them apart but music brings them together. A very special genre of music that embeds power and melody in a magical harmony is Rock Music. Rock music has its origin in the late 1940's in the United States (Christe, Ian 2003).Typically, Rock music is accompanied by Guitar, Bass, Drums and often a Keyboard. Vocals play a prominent role in this form of music. Much attention goes towards the melody in vocals and the Electric guitar dominates the foreground. In the beginning Rock music was primarily popular in United Kingdom and the United States but by 1960's it started to gain world wide popularity. Chuck berry in 1955 invented Rock and Roll (Christe, Ian 2003). It was after him that the British blues had come up with increased speed of their rhythm guitars. Their music had a driving power that no other music on earth had. A few years later Beatles band was formed. This band went on to achieve world wide success. They were the first proponents to bring guitars on to stage. They turned their music into a mass media attraction. Various forms of rock music were derived later and each had its own significance. The evolution of various genres in rock music is mainly associated with time. In 1960's a blend of Rock music with folk and jazz respectively came up and were known as Folk rock and Jazz rock. In 1970's a number of subgenres of rock music came up with the influence of soul and self importance. These include soft rock, progressive rock, art rock, techno rock, synth rock and punk rock. (Christe, Ian 2003) 1980's was the golden era in the history of rock music that saw the birth of hard rock, heavy metal and alternate rock. Thanks to bands like Metallica (Thrash metal), Megadeth (Speed Metal) and Iron Maiden (Hard Rock) that shook the world with almost all of their albums striking gold. They obsessed death, pain, hatred and evils in the society and that reflected in their lyrics as well. This drew the angry young crowd towards Metal Mania that spread like plague across the world in no time. Rock music established itself as a major business at International level. 1990's saw the time for Grunge style rock, Brit pop and Indie Rock. A new musical genre in the mid 90's that has its origin from Alternate metal, Thrash and Hard rock came up as "NU METAL". (Kitts, Jeff and Tolinski, Brad 2002) Apart from these forms many others like punk rock, psychedelic rock, soulful rock; Speed Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Underground, fusion etc have come up with improvements over their ancestral or base forms of Rock music. Each of these forms of Rock music has its own history and origin specifics and bands that are real professionals. Each form has its own pros and difficulty level in composing and performing. Each has its own way of drawing crowds towards it. Creativity in each and every aspect of the basic attributes associated with Rock music is what differentiates these genres of Rock music. Nu Metal: A new Genre A new perception arrived in the minds of the people that style in performance

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Business coursework; Fish and Chip shop (Burnham high street) Essay Example for Free

Business coursework; Fish and Chip shop (Burnham high street) Essay Introduction I am doing an investigation on a small local business to identify ways that it could be improved and what the business is doing wrong at the moment that is preventing it from making the progress that it could make. The local shop that I chose was the fish and chip in Burnham high street, SeaWorld. I chose this shop because I am a fan of seafood and when I go into a seafood place I expect to find many items that are actually seafood but normally they have different varieties of food but rarely any seafood. They normally have kebabs, chips, burgers, but chips are a necessity with fish. Preparation We started off making our individual surveys for both customers and workers and chose the best survey to be printed out. We also were planning on tasting the food in SeaWorld as well to see how good the product was. We thought of the types of shop that would be competitors. What we did For our research we had about an hour to go to the fish and chip shop in Burnham high street, but unfortunately SeaWorld was closed so we decided that some of us would take out the surveys on the public while the other group would see how the point of sale looked and find anything wrong with it. There were quite a few surveys done, and we managed to figure out some problems with the point of sale. Luckily there was a worker inside SeaWorld who did not mind us asking questions about his workplace. I think that we had taken a few surveys of people who go there regularly, but would have liked to see how the business was when it was open. Things like how many people go there, what there menu was, how well priced the food was, what majority of the regular customers thought of the seafood shop. We also looked out for competitors and how accessible their shops are, how their shops looked and how close they are to SeaWorld. Place SeaWorld is in Burnham high street and because it is quite a small high street even a small number of competitors would be a problem. There arent any seafood restaurants or seafood take-away as such in Burnham high street but there are cafes and fast food shops and there is a seafood shop in Burnham. These are also competitors because if people go into these shops it can pose a threat to the business of SeaWorld by reducing its market share. The other issue with the place is how easy it is for the customers to access the shop in terms of parking, distance and is there a contact number so they can order over the phone? The restaurant has a telephone number next to the restaurants name which is convenient for the customers and the business because it wont be crowded so they will have enough seats but they will still be getting the sales and revenue. The first take- away or restaurant that you see when you enter the high street from hog fair lane is SeaWorld which means that for ease of access and to save time people will go here. Therefore I think that the place that the seafood shop is not bad, but the look of the point of sale from the inside and outside needs to change. It needs to be re-painted and the inside needs to be looking more spacious to attract more customers. Product I did not have the opportunity to get a good look at their menu because at the time they were not open, but from what I saw there was a range of fried and battered fish food, chips and drinks which is what their customers would expect and this makes them look good. There was a problem though which was that on the outside of the shop there was a label that said kebabs that is something that you wouldnt expect in a fish and chip shop and I dont know if they do sell kebabs but if they didnt then that would be misleading the customers which would be irritating for them and they could potentially lose customers. If they did have kebabs then it would be inappropriate. Price I was not able to ask or look at the prices that they had for their food but the price needs to be below five pounds for each product and above a pound. If the products are priced too highly customers would not buy from that shop and if it was too low then they will be at a loss and will not be able to run efficiently. Theoretically the lower the price the more demand there is for that product, but you also need to balance between charging high enough to cover costs but low enough to keep the customers buying. Sometimes even if the prices are high the demand still remains the same, this is because things like customer service is good and the product also should be better than others. For the seafood shop it means that they need to be friendly to customers, deliver orders on time and put the customers needs and requests first. Promotion Walking along Burnham high street I did not see any form of promotion for the seafood shop. This is one of the crucial factors of getting a small business to succeed. If people do not know where you are or even if you exist then how will you get more customers? The seafood shop does not even have a website which means that it makes it harder for people find out about such a shop. The locals around Burnham high street might know about the shop but not many other people will. Therefore they need to find a form of promotion that will allow them to be known but not too expensive either. Picking the promotion The ways of promotion best for SeaWorld is through leaflets through letter boxes, this is a form of promotion suited to this business because it will be spread throughout the local area, because people from other areas are not going to travel a long way just to get to SeaWorld and it is not that expensive. The down side to leaflets is that it is often seen as junk and discarded, so it has a low success rate and you would need to find someone to hand them out or put them in letterboxes this means they need to pay that person as well. Another way that is cheap and affordable is advertising in the local newspaper, this would reach a wide local audience and there is only the cost of publishing it in the newspaper. The size of the advert can be adjusted so that it fits the budget of the seafood shop, but to get a large sized advert that is well designed it may be expensive. Another promotion that is totally free, very reliable and trustworthy is customer word-of-mouth recommendation; this is when customers recommend the shop to family and friends. When it is recommended by family and friends people trust that it is a good shop and go there, but it is the customers choice to do it and you cannot control it. You can aid this by providing excellent customer service, good value for money and good standard of food. A good thing to advertise is offers like buy one get one half price or tokens on newspaper or leaflets that have good offers which they can claim. Offers for a meal are actually cheaper than buying them all individually so it encourages customers to buy more and they would chose a place that has offers on food to one that does not. Loyalty cards are also a good incentive to get new customers and keep existing customers to come back for more and this would increase sales because a certain number of purchases would get them a reward, which is normally more food. Frequent customers would feel angry that they do not get discounts or complimentary food. Survey of worker We did a questionnaire on the worker about the Seafood shop, and working conditions and he seems to be very positive about working there, but from how he spoke we realised that he was being bias so we cannot really trust everything that he said. He said that it was a good environment to work in and that the working conditions were good. The environment would be good because it would be busy. The workers seem happy and motivated therefore I would expect the customer service to be good as well and the food to be of a good standard. I asked what kinds of fringe benefits or monetary benefits they get but it seemed that he did not get any. The staff cannot be kept well motivated for long without any benefits. The owners can make the staff more motivated by giving monetary benefits at first and then fringe benefits. At first they would find that money is what they need and will be motivated when money is at the other end and it will be cheaper to give small monetary benefits than fringe benefits. When the business grows it can afford fringe benefits and the workers need benefits other than money to motivate them. The easiest fringe benefit could be a discount on the food in the fish and chip shop, or free lunch for the workers. To keep them well motivated there needs to be a better fringe benefit that they will get for working well or achieving a target number of sales.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Outsourced Delivery Services Of Ikea

Outsourced Delivery Services Of Ikea The purpose of our thesis is to find out the factors that affecting the customers satisfaction on outsourcing. The importance of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is being a vital part of a company; however, a well SCM is not as mature as some old function like Human Relation Management, Accounting, etc. Thus, companies may outsource SCM or particular function among SCM to the 3rd party services provider. Meanwhile, the quality and effect on outsourcing would be a concern to companies. Customers make the sales, profit of a company. If the part which being outsourced may contact customers directly, is there any precaution and measurement to ensure the services provide will not be affecting during outsourcing, or how to minimize the influence to companies. Todays Supply Chain Management Many companies today are strengthening their connections with partners all along the supply chain. They no longer just treat suppliers as vendors and distributors as customers. They treat both as partners in delivering customers value. Most business nowadays are customer-oriented, e.g., Sales, CS Business, Insurance, Banking/Finance, Beauty Care/Health, etc. Background of Outsourcing In a global marketplace an increasingly huge competition forces companies striving to find strategies that give them competitive advantage over the competitors (Christopher, M., 1998). Outsourcing has been treated as one of the most important business and economic concepts for achieving competitive advantages. Outsourcing can be defined as the transfer of the production of goods or services that had been performed internally to an external party (Van Weele, A., 2005). Company can focus on their core business if the companies transfer its operations to another company to produce goods or services some 3rd party services provider. The basic reason for outsourcing is the increased trend of globalization (Enarsson, L., 2008, p.33). The reasons behind outsourcing may lower the cost on delivery, utilize local firms resources thus avoid capital investment on fixed asset for developing non core products, and to gain access technology, performance through effective partnership. Problems discussion Outsourcing, regardless a powerful economic and business strategy, does not always ensure success to the outsourcesr involved in the entire process. There are many drawbacks in outsourcing operations. It might help a company on cost saving, focus on core business; enhance capacity for innovation, wider experience and knowledge, etc. However, there are some arguments on guaranteeing quality of service, qualifications of outsourcee, standpoint of labor. Once a company determined which projects will be outsourced, they have to know why outsource and when to be carry out, how to prevent from mistakes while outsourcing. CONCEPTUAL STUDIES In this part we will explain the concept of supply chain management and outsourcing as well as their relationship from the point of view of different available and established theories and literatures. In this section our goal is to elaborate more about outsourcing in a theoretical frame. Supply Chain Management (SCM) A customer focused definition is given by Hines Supply chain strategies require a total systems view of the linkages in the chain that work together efficiently to create customer satisfaction at the end point of delivery to the consumer. As a consequence costs must be lowered throughout the chain by driving out unnecessary costs and focusing attention on adding value. Throughput efficiency must be increased, bottlenecks removed and performance measurement must focus on total systems efficiency and equitable reward distribution to those in the supply chain adding value. The supply chain system must be responsive to customer requirements. SCM describles a longer channel, stretching from raw materials to components to final products to final buyers. To implement an efficiency and effective supply chain systems take lots of time to design and manage, and so many companies nowadays decided to outsource parts of logistic function to a 3rd party services provider. Then they can allocate more resource and pay more effort on their core business. The Trend of Outsourcing There are no constrains to any functions which can be outsourced or not to be outsourced. To enhance the levels of competition, many organizations have started to consider in developing and maintaining the range of expertise and skills needed to compete effectively. This need has led many companies to engage with various kinds of sourcing; like outsourcing (Oshri, I., Kotlarsky, J., Willcocks, L.P., 2009) Definition of Outsourcing Different authors have defined the outsourcing that covers a wide scope of the concept of outsourcing. The word of outsourcing can be split as out and source which means sourcing externally. Some simple definitions of outsourcing are given as follows contracting with a third service provider for the management and completion of a certain amount of work, for a specified length of time, cost, and level of service (Oshri, I., Kotlarsky, J., Willcocks, L.P., 2009, p 4) A contract is the means by which the planning, responsibility, knowledge, and administration of processes is transferred to an external party (McCarthy Anagnostou, 2004, Blumberg, 1998) According to Franceschini, F. et al., 2003, Outsourcing is a managerial approach usually taken for delegating the responsibility to an external source for carrying out the operation of production process or services of an enterprise. In these contexts, it can be summarized that, outsourcing is an agreement between buyer and supplier(s) to avail processes or services that the buyer is providing internally at present; with an intention to reduce cost, increase focus on core business, improve quality of products and services and to ensure more flexibility. Evaluation Process for Outsourcing An organization needs to maintain an operational cycle to conduct the outsourcing operation. There are the outsourcing life cycle brought up by M.J., Desouza, K.C., Bonifazi, C. (Source: Power, M.J., Desouza, K.C., Bonifazi, C., 2006) Strategic assessment As the first stage of the outsourcing process, strategic assessment is the crucial activity in the whole life cycle of outsourcing. The organization should identifie a certain business case and assesses the potential benefit of adopting the outsourcing as a strategy. Needs analysis After completion of the strategic assessment, the next step for the organization is to define the needs and more specifically areas of the needs that are needed to be focused on. Vendor assessment Organization goes for soliciting, evaluating and choosing the vendor for its outsourcing needs. Contract and negotiation management To be engaged in negotiations (and renegotiations) until an agreement is reached about the details of outsourcing work. Project initiation and transition This is the most influential stages of the outsourcing relationship. The client organization slowly starts to hand over the control of the work to the outsourcee. Outsourcer should always pay attention to deal with emergent issues and smooth out any problems that occur. This stage marks the foundation of the continued relationship. Relationship management To keep up to date with the outsourcing relationship Continuance modification or exit strategy Organization must evaluate its current outsourcing contract to see if its best interest lies in continuing, modifying or exiting the relationship. Motives for Outsourcing Cost Efficiencies: Cost reduction has been the prime motive for outsourcing (Ford, D., et al., 1993). To develop a complete product is always expensive for a company as it needs huge investment to improve products and production process through continuous research and technology development. Outsourcing reduces the cost of the client company in this area as the service providers invest in this area to meet up the demand of the buyers in a large scale. In this way, a company can achieve the competitive advantages in the market reducing the cost through outsourcing process. Focus on Core Business: Every company has some activities that are not as essential as compared to its core business functions. By sourcing non-core business activities a company can focus on its core business in a better way. So, the efficiency of a company is likely to increase as more time and resources are focused only on the core business functions (Davis, J., 2002). In addition, there are some other driving factors that encourage the buyer company to adopt the outsourcing strategy. Such as operational expertise, enhance the capacity for innovation, capacity management where the risk in providing the excess capacity is borne by the supplier. EMPIRICAL STUDIES IKEA Hong Kongs Concept and History They offers a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. This is the idea at the core of everything IKEA does, from product development and purchases to how they sell their products in retail stores. IKEA can make a good-quality product for a high price, or a poor-quality product for a low price. But to make good products at low prices, they need to develop methods that are both cost-effective and innovative. This has been the focus of IKEA since its beginnings in Smà ¥land, Sweden. Maximizing the use of raw materials and production adaptation to meet peoples needs and preferences has meant that their costs are low. The IKEA way of doing things is to pass these cost savings on to customers. Importance of Select Reliable Outsourcee Under our investigation, IKEA Hong Kong has outsourced the home delivery and assembly services to an independent contractor. Basically, with return or exchange, home delivery and assembly services would be the final stage for company to provide services to customers. From ordering to delivery, IKEA takes at least three workings, even the staff give excellent customer services at retails store, the experience in store almost fade out after placing order. As the period from waiting order delivery to complete can replace the experience in store, services provide during these period of time is essential to decide will this customer return or not. No customers, no business, no sales. Those satisfied ones turns to be a loyal customers, otherwise, unsatisfied customers will bad month our company. Word of mouth is a reference to the passing of information from person to person. The influence of word of mouth is not measurable and difficult to rebuild company image. The dimensions of reliability; responsiveness; assurance; empathy; tangibility and cost in the service quality approach can be used in identifying critical factors that may suggest some ideas on selection of logistic services provider (LSP) (Kong Mayo, 1993; Bienstock, et al., 1997). Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Transit time Service Consistency Document Accuracy Responsiveness Variety of Services Express Delivery Global coverage Updated rates Track and Trace Containerization Consolidation Reputation No Goods Damages Empathy Tangibility Cost CRM Employee Courtesy Location Modern Equipments Own CFS E-services EDI Price Discount Credit term Case Study I: Apple Computer and TNT Express (See Appendix I) Apple Computer has been outsourced its delivery services to TNT Express. There would be a list of complaint about the services of TNT Express. The complaints are regarding to package missing, long delivery time, with recomfirm to package receiver. FINDINGS Apple Computer outsourcing its delivery services to TNT, every one who place the order from Apple store knew this. Once the order is placed, there are an implication of customers are agreed to let TNT Express to take over the duty of product delivery. Unlike IKEA Hong Kong, the delivery materials of contractors like trucks, boxes are printed in IKEA logo. It is difficult for customer to identify they are not the staff of IKEA. In order to protect the image or reputation, IKEA should ensure the contractor can perform like an IKEA staff, i.e., the delivery worker should have basic product knowledge, especially for solving the enquiries during the process of services delivery. That is unreasonable to say we are contractor rather than direct staff of IKEA. Customer service is any contact between a customer and a company, which can cause a negative or positive perception by a customer during services delivery. As an outsourcer, they may state clear of relationship between outsourcer and outsourcee may reduce complaints caused by misunderstanding. The case of Apple, sometimes online checking system of TNT Express does not show the actual product delivery status. Those complainers about product delivery did focus on the services provider TNT Express instead of complaining the Apples decision making on contractor selection. Case Study II: Survey on Outsourcing of Government Activities on 2002 and 2004 (See Appendix II) The Efficiency Unit of HKSAR has been conducted a survey about outsourcing of governemt activities as at 2002 and 2004 since 2000. In this two reports, it showed, over 80% of bureaux and departments have beed outsourced at least one function to an indepentend contractor. FINDINGS According to the report on 2004, those functions which occupied the most expenditure were capital works constraction, building property management and environmental hygiene are the top three outsourced functions. By analyzing the pattern of annual expenditure, the fluctuation of transport services is the most serious among the listed functions. The ratio of reducing expenditure is the most significant as well. In 2000, the expenditure was around $1 billion and then it dropped to $0.1 billion in 2002. Unlike other services categories, transport services were doubling up the expenditure on 2004. The focus of outsourced function of IKEA Hong Kong is the delivery services, it may categorize as transport services among the government functions. Reference to the expenditure on different services categories, transport services it is did not donminated the propular function of being outsourced. Reference to the page 6 of survey on 2004, there are current satisfaction of outsourcees performance. Around half of the outsourcee full met the requirement of outsourcer. Yet there is also another half that only partially fulfill. CONCLUSION IKEA is now the worlds largest furniture retailer; they have a fixed group of partners on manufacturing, purchasing and supply functions, design and development of products in the IKEA range. For distribution they have their own logistics center Europe is located in Dortmund, Germany and Asian logistic center is located in Singapore along with its IT base. To retaining customers, they have the customer relation system of IKEA Family. IKEA perform well in Europe no matter for SCM, marketing and customer retention. In Hong Kong region, they also have a good SCM, even they outsourced parts of service to an independent services provide. Yet the seldom to hear so negative comment to those outsourced services. Furthermore, under our investigation, we found that only one contractor took over the job of delivery, assembly services. The part that would appreciate is even the delivery services are being outsourced, IKEA Hong Kong still having a backup delivery term in-house. Once there are any conflicts or under peak seasons of ordering, IKEA can take over part of the order themselves. However, it is difficult to understand why they have not launch the loyalty card in Hong Kong. To strength the loyalty of customer, which is important to understand the purchase pattern of customers, in order to give related promotion and information to encourage them repeating purchase. There are no absolute anwser for good to be outsoure or not to be.Companies should adopt a planned approach towards outsourcing taking into account the interests of employees and customers alike and come up with a balanced advance. The cycle of evaluation process for outsourcing is a good model for a company which would interest in outsourcing a/some particular function to a 3rd party services provider. For those companies which have been outsourced, a regular evaluation on before and after outsourcing is important. In todays dynamic marketplace, there are no rules can last till the end. The one who wants to be dominant of the market, they should keep track on of market trend, find out the competitive advantage and having a periodical review companys performance from time to time. APPENDICE APPENDICE APPENDICE Some links of complaint about TNT Express when taking over the order from Apple Computer. (a brief survey hold by some forum members)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Physics of Baseball :: physics sport sports baseball

Finding and understanding the sweet spot on a wooden bat. When you strike a bat against a ball it sends vibrations, much like the vibrations acting on airplanes or bridges, which travel in waves through the bat. This motion is important to understand because every vibration the bat experiences takes energy away from the ball's speed as it leaves the bat. If you hit the ball at a bat's "nodes", the frequencies (each bat vibrates at several low and high frequencies at once, which is like the harmonics of stringed instruments) cancel out and since this happens you don't feel the sting in your hands that you experience when you hit the ball at different points on the bat. There is some discrepency of where the sweet spot is on the bat. Some believe that the sweet spot is 17 inches from the end and others believe that it is 6 inches from the end. For a wooden bat, I tend to believe that the sweet spot is 6 inches from the end of a 34 inch bat (opposite of where your hands are). This is due to the fact that if you were to hit a ball 17 inches from the end, you would be hitting on the bat's emblem. If hit hard enough, the bat would break because this is a weak spot in the bat due to the stamping of the emblem. It's Basic Physics When looking at a collision between a baseball bat and ball, three things always apply: Conservation of linear momentum- The linear momentum of a particle of mass, m, moving with a velocity, v, is defined to be the product of the mass and velocity: p=mv Elastic collision- An elastic collision between two objects is one in which total kinetic energy (as well as total momentum) is the same before and after the collision. Conservation of energy- Energy can never be created or destroyed. Energy may be transformed from one form to another, but the total energy of an isolated system is always constant. Newton's Third Law- States that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. How hitting the ball works The Swing When a person swings a bat, their arms propel the bat to a high velocity which is needed to transfer momentum to the ball and send it sailing. Also, there is a transfer of energy starting with the batter then moving from the batter's arms to the bat and then when contact is being made with the ball the energy in the bat is transferred to the ball which propels the ball forward (hopefully:)) The force that acts on the ball, as contact is being made (contact is about 1/1000sec.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice Essay -- Anne Rices Memnoch the Devil

Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice Killing, kidnapping and battles, all parts of Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice. The main character, Lestat, is a well-known and flamboyant vampire. In Memnoch the Devil, Lestat is faced with a grim reality, causing his world to collapse around him. He learns throughout this book, about the world, and the divine forces that encircle the world’s existence. This book illustrates how Lestat’s morals, ignorance and understanding are greatly affected by outside forces. In the beginning of the book, Lestat, the quick and cunning vampire referred to as â€Å"the Brat Prince† by his followers stalks a wealthy artifact smuggler. Lestat soon becomes obsessed with his mortal victim, Roger, following him and trying to live his life through Roger’s eyes. Lestat quickly develops a love for Roger, due to Roger's take on life, and his robust actions. Lestat comes to the reality that Roger is sick and evil, through his past was full of murders of family members and mercenary like acts. Even all of this added to the fact that Roger was a smuggler of godly artifacts, Lestat’s love for Roger still lived on. Lestat observes his own actions and concludes that he himself is sick and evil as well, due to his obsessive stalking. Lestat sees his morals are in fact worse than those of Roger, when he brutally slays and mutates his carcass. With this Lestat concludes that he was in fact the sick and evil one, more so than Roger was. Lestat is soon encountered by Roger’s a...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Teaching Computer Ethics in the Classroom :: essays research papers

Teaching Computer Ethics in the Classroom The computer is considered one of the most technological advances of the twentieth century. As the general public becomes increasingly ‘computer literate,' the gap between technology and peoples' intellect notably shrinks. The readily available computers, software, and assorted output devices have enlightened many but, in turn, have increased the using of computers for unethical activities, privacy invasion and illegal purposes. Legal sanctions against abusive use of computers are a reactive approach. A proactive approach is to teach students about computer ethics in classrooms. An effective teaching method are the presentation of ethical scenarios. It is anticipated that through this method, students will personalize the need for developing ethical standards of behavior. The ultimate goal is for students, if necessary, to change their set of personal beliefs to include ethics. INTRODUCTION The computer is considered one of the most important technological advances of the twentieth century. Security and privacy issues have been in existence long before the computer became a vital component of organizations' operations. Nevertheless, the operating features of a computer make it a double-edged sword. Computer technologies with reliable error detection and recording capabilities, permit the invasion of a supposedly secure environment to occur on a grand scale and go undetected. Furthermore, computer and communications technology permit the invasion of a persons' privacy and likewise go undetected. Two forces threaten privacy: one, the growth of information technology with its enhanced capacity for surveillance, communication, computation, storage and retrieval and two, the more insidious threat, the increased value of information in decision making. Information has become more vital in the competitive environment, thus, decision makers covet it even if it viol! ates another's privacy. Violation of ones personal privacy, via computers, may in part be due to the incomplete understanding of responsibility on the part of those involved. Is it a management or a technical concern? Ethical standards that evolved over the history of Western civilization deal with interpersonal relationships. What is right or wrong? What one should do and not do when dealing with other people. Ethical behavior in a business environment has not been as clearly defined. When businesses were small and the property of a few individuals, traditional ethical standards were applied to meet different situations. However, as businesses became larger, the interpersonal ethical relations did not provide any clear behavioral guidelines. Likewise, the principles of ethical relationships were even less pertinent to the corporate environments. Teaching Computer Ethics in the Classroom :: essays research papers Teaching Computer Ethics in the Classroom The computer is considered one of the most technological advances of the twentieth century. As the general public becomes increasingly ‘computer literate,' the gap between technology and peoples' intellect notably shrinks. The readily available computers, software, and assorted output devices have enlightened many but, in turn, have increased the using of computers for unethical activities, privacy invasion and illegal purposes. Legal sanctions against abusive use of computers are a reactive approach. A proactive approach is to teach students about computer ethics in classrooms. An effective teaching method are the presentation of ethical scenarios. It is anticipated that through this method, students will personalize the need for developing ethical standards of behavior. The ultimate goal is for students, if necessary, to change their set of personal beliefs to include ethics. INTRODUCTION The computer is considered one of the most important technological advances of the twentieth century. Security and privacy issues have been in existence long before the computer became a vital component of organizations' operations. Nevertheless, the operating features of a computer make it a double-edged sword. Computer technologies with reliable error detection and recording capabilities, permit the invasion of a supposedly secure environment to occur on a grand scale and go undetected. Furthermore, computer and communications technology permit the invasion of a persons' privacy and likewise go undetected. Two forces threaten privacy: one, the growth of information technology with its enhanced capacity for surveillance, communication, computation, storage and retrieval and two, the more insidious threat, the increased value of information in decision making. Information has become more vital in the competitive environment, thus, decision makers covet it even if it viol! ates another's privacy. Violation of ones personal privacy, via computers, may in part be due to the incomplete understanding of responsibility on the part of those involved. Is it a management or a technical concern? Ethical standards that evolved over the history of Western civilization deal with interpersonal relationships. What is right or wrong? What one should do and not do when dealing with other people. Ethical behavior in a business environment has not been as clearly defined. When businesses were small and the property of a few individuals, traditional ethical standards were applied to meet different situations. However, as businesses became larger, the interpersonal ethical relations did not provide any clear behavioral guidelines. Likewise, the principles of ethical relationships were even less pertinent to the corporate environments.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Utilitarian Education

Utilitarianism â€Å"Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely twenty-four grinders, four eye-teeth, and twelve incisive. Sheds coat in spring†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ † A perfect example of a product of utilitarian education, Bitzer defines a horse off the top of his head in a split second. Utilitarianism is the assumption that human beings act in a way that highlights their own self interest. It is based on factuality and leaves little room for imagination. Dickens provides three vivid examples of this utilitarian logic in Hard Times. The first; Mr. Thomas Gradgrind, one of the main characters in the book, was the principal of a school in Coketown. He was a firm believer in utilitarianism and instilled this philosophy into the students at the school from a very young age, as well as his own children. Mr. Josiah Bounderby was also a practitioner of utilitarianism, but was more interested in the profit that stemmed from it. At the other end of the perspective, a group of circus members, who are the total opposite of utilitarians, are added by Dickens to provide a sharp contrast from the ideas of Mr. Bounderby and Mr. Gradgrind. Thomas Gradgrind Sr. a father of five children, has lived his life by the book and never strayed from his philosophy that life is nothing more than facts and statistics. He has successfully incorporated this belief into the school system of Coketown, and has tried his best to do so with his own children. The educators see children as easy targets just waiting to be filled with information. They did not consider, however, the children†s need for fiction, poetry, and other fine arts that are used to expand children†s minds, all of which are essential today in order to produce well-rounded human beings through the educational process. One has to wonder how different the story would be if Gradgrind did not run the school. How can you give a utilitarian man such as Gradgrind such power over a town? I do like how Dickens structures the book to make one ask obvious questions such as these. Dickens does not tell us much about the success of the other students of the school besides Bitzer, who is fairly successful on paper, but does not have the capacity as a person to deal with life†s everyday struggles. Gradgrinds two oldest children, Tom and Louisa, are examples of how this utilitarian method failed miserably. These children were never given the opportunity to think for themselves, experience fun things in life, or even use their imaginations. True, they are smart people in the factual sense but do not have the street smarts to survive. Tom is a young man who, so fed up with his father†s strictness and repetition, revolts against him and leaves home to work in Mr. Bounderby†s bank. Tom, now out from under his fathers wing, he begins to drink and gamble heavily. Eventually, to get out of a deep gambling debt, he robs a bank and is forced to flee the area. When Bitzer realizes that Tom has robbed the bank and catches him, Mr. Gradgrind begs him to let Tom go, reminding him of all of the hard work that was put on him while at the school. Ironically Bitzer, using the tools of factuality that he had learned in Gradgrinds school, replies that the school was paid for, but it is now over and he owes nothing more. I think this is extremely funny how, at a time of need, Gradgrind†s educational theory has backfired in his face. I think Dickens put this irony in as a comical device but also to show how ineffective the utilitarian method of teaching is. Louisa, unlike Tom, does get along with her father. She even agrees to marry Mr. Bounderby, even though she does not love him, in order to please her father. She stays in the marriage with Bounderby, and goes about life normally and factually, until she is faced with a dilemma and panics. Mr. James Harthouse, a young, good looking guy, is attracted to Louisa and deceivingly draws her attraction to him. She does not know what to do since she has never had feelings of her own before. Her father never gave her the opportunity to think for herself, or even love someone. This is why Louisa goes frantic and ends up crying in her fathers lap. She has always been told what to do and what is ‘right†, and now even her father is stumped. For the first time in the whole novel, Mr. Gradgrind strays from the utilitarian philosophy and shows compassion for his daughter and her feelings. One must think that he is beginning to doubt his philosophy after seeing it backfire in his face more than once. Josiah Bounderby is another prime example of utilitarianism. He is one of the wealthiest people in Coketown; owning a bank and a factory, but is not really a likable person. His utilitarian philosophy is similar to Gradgrinds in the sense that factuality is the single most important virtue that one could posses. Mr. Bounderby maintained throughout the story his utilitarian views, which basically stated that nothing else is important besides profit. Being the owner of both a factory and a bank, Bounderby employs many workers, yet seems to offer them no respect at all. He refers to the factory workers as â€Å"Hands,† because that is all they are to him. Bounderby often states that workers are all looking for â€Å"venison, turtle soup, and a golden spoon,† while all they really want is decent working conditions and fair wage for their work. He is not concerned about his employees as human beings, but how much their hands can produce during the workday, resulting with money in his pocket. When one of his workers, Stephen Blackpool came to Bounderby†s house asking for advice about his bad marriage, he was treated as inferior just because of his social status. Dickens portrayed the scene as one in which Blackpool was on a level five steps below Bounderby and his associates because he was a lowly worker who was obviously much less educated than them. It almost seemed like they would not even take him seriously because he was such. Blackpool was told that he could not divorce his wife because it would be against the laws of England. Later in the book, Bounderby divorces his wife. This shows that wealth played a large role in determining the social classes that people were in and the privileges they had. This was definitely unfair but the social classes were structured in a way which allowed those who had money to look down upon those who were less fortunate. Generally, those who were not well-educated did not have any money, while the well-educated ones such as Bounderby and Gradgrind were wealthy. The people who knew the factual information, (utilitarians) were successful, while those who did not were reduced to working in the factories of the utilitarians. Dickens paints a vivid picture of this inequality between social classes and shows he does not care much for it. It is fairly easy to see that Dickens holds a contempt for Bounderby and the utilitarian philosophy he carries. The book details the philosophy, then shows how miserably it failed. How much different would their lives be if the town was not run by utilitarians. Dickens cleverly added in circus people as a contrast to the utilitarian approach to life. The circus people could be called the total opposite of utilitarianism. If one element of the book stands out in my mind, it would be this one. The circus people are simple, open-minded human beings whose goal in life is to make people laugh. Dickens portrays them as a step up from the â€Å"Hands† but still close to the bottom in the social structure. These people are hated by Gradgrind, Bounderby and other utilitarians because they represent everything that is shunned in utilitarianism such as love, imagination, and humor. Sissy Jupe, the daughter of a circus man, was taken in by the Gradgrinds to live in their home. She is representative of the circus people with her innocence and free-will, qualities which are lacking in the lives of the people around her. Just by her presence, her goodness rubs off on the people around her, although it is too late for most of them. Even after numerous attempts to force utilitarianism into her by Mr. Gradgrind and his school, she is still the fun-loving girl that she always was because she grew up living with â€Å"normal† people who thought for themselves and loved each other. She influenced these qualities on the youngest Gradgrind daughter Jane, who led a much more enjoyable and fulfilling life than her older sister Louisa because of those influences. Jane is not spoken of much until the end of the book but I like the way Dickens showed the effects of the utilitarian lifestyle as opposed to the non-utilitarian lifestyle. The utilitarians ultimately ended with a great downfall because their narrow-minds could not endure the pressures that life can impose on oneself. The people that did not fall victim to the utilitarian trap were able to live their lives happily and freely, able to love, laugh, and use their imagination; which is the way life ought to be lived. Dickens obviously had a definitive opinion of the way life should be lived and did an excellent job of depicting it. His method was somewhat indirect in the sense that he worked backwards to get his point across, but turned out to be very effective as the story progressed. Most of the story revolved around utilitarianism and the study of cold hard facts, but when the character flaws began to surface as a result of this philosophy, Dickens is quick to emphasize them. One actually sees the main character of the book and firm supporter of utilitarianism, Mr. Thomas Gradgrind, experience the faults of his practice and begin to stray from it. Now, after watching his life fall apart, maybe he wishes he were in the circus.

Response Journal for “Boys and Girls” by Alice Munro Essay

Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls† tries to view a young girl’s rite of passage into womanhood, through a limited feminist perspective. The narrator battles with conformity on a 1940’s Canadian Fox Farm. As this time period was still centred on male dominance, her desire to become a powerful woman wastes away when she finally submits to the rules that society has imposed on her. The story is written in first person narration and is seen through the eyes of a young and free-spirited girl. The themes of this story are self-discovery, stereotypes, and rebellion. To portray these themes, literary devices such as allusion, similes and situational irony were used. Allusion is present in the line â€Å"his favourite book in the world was Robinson Crusoe,† as the author attempts to portray the father’s inventive nature by relating it to a well-known novel. Similes can be seen in the narrator’s descriptions of her environment as she states that the â€Å"snowdrifts curled around the house like sleeping whales,† to bring to attention the howling of the winds. Situational irony is evident throughout the story because the narrator despises her mother for being a woman and working in the house, but in the end, she too develops into a woman and takes on the roles of the title. This story of inequality between the sexes appropriately opens with a detailed account of the narrator’s father. The narrator describes every aspect of her father’s life, including his occupation, and even his friends. Throughout this first part of the story, the narrator’s mother is virtually inexistent, outside her disapproval of her husband’s pelting business. The reader is left uncertain about the mother’s whereabouts, but is aware that the father figure is somewhat of an idol in the narrator’s mind. As a young girl, the narrator, holding on to her carefree spirit and strong sense of individualism, is unaware of the constraints of her gender. Although she is the main character, the narrator is not given a name. This seems to enhance her lack of purpose in society, and stresses that the attitude of the narrator is not that of just one woman, but women in general. Munro’s decision to allow the narrator to remain nameless assists in the progress and significance of the character. The narrator’s brother, however, is given the name of Laird. Synonymous with â€Å"lord,† the boy’s name plays an important role in outlining the rules society has forced upon the narrator. This name symbolizes society’s favouritism towards men, and how the male child was superior in the eyes of the parents. The fact that the narrator remained anonymous, whilst her brother was given the name of Lord, signifies the difference between the sexes at the time. It is quite odd that Munro used the girl to portray the feelings of female stereotyping of this story. Munro captures the attention of her audience through the lines, â€Å"It was an odd thing to see my mother down at the barn. She did not often come out of the house unless it was to do something- hang out the wash or dig potatoes in the garden.† These lines are full of sexism and serve only to relay the common roles that women were forced into. Although aware that the girl would much rather spend time with her father, the family constantly attempts to encourage her to act as a proper girl should. The fact that the narrator idolizes her father, just provides further proof of her strive to gain equality. As the girl grows older, the pressure from her family becomes more intense. The narrator’s grandmother comes off as the perfect example of the how women were thought of at the time. Having been raised in a time where the rules imposed on women were even stricter, the grandmother best voices what the attitude of a girl should be. The narrator, however, refuses to listen to the advice offered to her, and responds with defiance. The girl still seems to believe that if she does not conform to society’s rules, she can hold on to her freedom and will somehow be able to escape with her individuality. It is only through the killing of the horse, Flora, that the narrator finally assumes her appropriate gender roles and enters her rite of passage. To help Flora escape her inevitable fate, the narrator leaves the gate open. It seems as though the narrator believed that it was the gate that held Flora back from the freedom she was entitled to. Flora, however, could never escape her fate and was eventually caught and killed. Through Flora’s death,  the narrator comes to realize that her acts of disobedience will always be in vain because her fate is unavoidable. The gate symbolizes the girl’s hope of liberation outside of the farm. The war against society could not be won, so she gives up and proceeds to help her mother with dinner. By assuming the roles of a woman, she completes her rite of passage into womanhood. The killing of Flora also leads to Laird’s rite of passage, though in his case this is the cause of different reasoning. Whereas the narrator learns that she cannot escape her fate, Laird visualizes a new life for himself. He reaches maturity by priding himself in his kill, symbolized by the horse’s blood. He boasts to his mother about the blood on his arm, and feels as though he is finally man enough to stand beside his dad. This is part of the symbolism behind the name â€Å"Boys and Girls,† as the contrasting natures of the two children are portrayed. In order to advance her feminist viewpoint, Munro touches upon only the minor aspects of the female stereotypes. She focuses on the girl’s newfound interest for fashion, beauty and decor to portray her femininity, rather than the harsher traits that were frequently placed on women. The author uses this limited feminism to stress the fact that this protest and change were the actions of a mere child that had not yet seen the full effects of prejudice. When taking into consideration the time period and setting, it can be clearly understood why the narrator and her brother both conformed to their gender-specific roles. As the world entered into the Second World War, women replaced their husbands in the workforce and started gaining recognition. However, because this story takes place in the rural side of Canada, the war’s social impact does not seem to have yet reached this area. The narrator’s mother being just a simple housewife causes the narrator to have a negative bias towards her, illustrating how women are looked down upon by society. Through her ultimate disapproval of her father’s inhumane occupation, the narrator reveals a side that is driven by emotion. Her concern for the helpless animal’s well-being displays her affectionate and loving character. Alice Munro’s story of â€Å"Boys and Girls† is an enlightening tale of the struggle that each child undergoes in discovering their own identity. The author insists throughout the story that the narrator’s acceptance of her place in society is influenced by her family and setting. Her resistance is useless because she has no choice but to conform into a proper woman. She is forced to hide her yearning for individualism in order to be socially acceptable. Current literature uses the feminist approach to convey the views of oppressed women, but Munro’s use of the limited amount of feminism allows the reader to make up their own opinion on the matter.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

“Beast” by Richard Wilbur Essay

In â€Å"Beast† by Richard Wilbur, Wilbur uses poetic structures, paradox and the idea of balance between nature and humanity to display in the reader’s mind that nature is something that should not be looked down upon rather should be feared. In the first few stanzas, Wilbur displays the natural process that nature goes through, for example, he introduces paradox when the â€Å"ripped mouse† is â€Å"safe in the owl’s talon† stressing that there is balance within nature itself, additionally highlighting that nature is the source and creator of balance. Furthermore, Wilbur adds another paradox by showing that a â€Å"freed beast is in slumber†, confusing the reader because free beast would roam the world and cause chaos and havoc to those that destroys the beast’s habitat. This further shows that, with nature by itself the beast does not awake; however, with humanity’s interference the beast awakes and is a â€Å"risen hunter.à ¢â‚¬  All of these paradoxes stress the internal balance that nature creates and portrays that any interference with nature causes humanity to mimic the power that nature has; nonetheless, humanity’s interference ultimately leads to there downfall and an imbalance between humanity and nature. As shown in the last three stanzas, humanity â€Å"suitors of excellence† wants to achieve perfection and unwavering power that nature possesses; yet, humanity is always stopped by nature with a â€Å"sigh† because any attempt to achieve nature’s equal makes nature to hunt humanity as a â€Å"risen hunter.† These last stanzas show the power that nature has cannot be copied or taken no matter how hard humanity tries, stressing the point that humanity’s interference with nature causes their own downfall and corruption. Additionally, Wilbur’s poetic structure adds additionally voice into the poem that supports humanity’s interference as unconventional yet eminent. In the first stanza, Wilbur uses musical symbols such as â€Å"major†, â€Å"minor†, â€Å"plucked†, â€Å"dulcet†, â€Å"concordance†, and â€Å"lyric† to imply that nature is peaceful and at rest because there is nothing out of the bal ance that creates discordance. However, Wilbur changes the tone of the poem around line 12 that causes dissonance because not only does the plot take an unexpected turn but also there where â€Å"no such darkness† but diction such as â€Å"warp†, â€Å"painful†, â€Å"werewolf†, and â€Å"sweaty† are type of words not found in the first half of the poem. Furthermore, uses rhetorical shifts, or volta, to change scenes from one place to another to show the difference between what nature is trying to achieve with its power and what humanity wants to do with their power. For example, in lines 12 and 13 a volta is introduced to show not only the change in scenes but also the institution of acceptance verses internal transformation. In conclusion with nature’s overwhelming power, humanity continues on to dream despite their loss, making humanity a very flexible being, shown through their retreat â€Å"from their work construe;† however, through this humanity is free, â€Å"unbridled† adding onto humanity’s flexibility. Generally, Wilbur’s â€Å"Beasts† is a struggle between humanity and nature fighting over for power, but in the end nature triumphs. In other words, nature’s balance with devastation and upheaval is shattered by humanity as they, mankind, attempt to stand alone, which ultimately leads to their downfall and fraudulence.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

America in Comparison to Other Countries

If more grammar classes ere added during high school, our country could be on the right path to catching up with the education in other countries. Every day, kids are exposed to poor grammar. Many songs, television shows, movies, and magazines use incorrect grammar. Songs often include phrases instead of complete thoughts, and some songs even contain words that don't exist. If that is all that students see and hear, they won't be able to make a distinction between the correct and incorrect way to speak.Text messaging has also caused kids to have poor writing skills. Testing causes kids to write by using fragments, Incorrect spelling, and poor punctuation. Americans don't take the time to write correctly because they are so worried about getting things done quickly. U. S. Citizens don't want to be bothered with making sure their punctuation Is correct or their comma Is In the right place. Students need repeated, dally practice to get away from the high-speed lifestyle they are used to , in order to be able to utilize grammar in the right way.Focusing more on grammar during English classes will reinforce proper grammar, and eliminate the issues that text messaging and new technology bring. As a country, understanding grammar can impact our lives. We need grammar to succeed in everyday life. When applying to a college or a Job, grammar is extremely important. College essays are a major part in being accepted in college, and making a good first impression. Once in college, English classes focus a lot on grammar In essays and research papers.Students would quickly fall behind If they were not familiar with basic grammar skills. Also, going to Job interviews requires you to use proper grammar. To be hired, the employee needs to speak well so that the boss knows the company will be well represented. Future Job applicants could end up being unemployed, simply because they weren't grammatically educated to speak urine an interview or a board meeting. America would be low ering its standards if the education system decided to eliminate grammar from the curriculum.This basically gives permission for U. S. Citizens to be unmotivated and lazy. Colleges would have to lower their admittance standards, since SAT scores, ACT scores, and college essay scores would all be lower. This would put us even further behind other countries and their educational progress. The United States would regress from an already low educational level. We would fall so far behind other countries, and never be able to catch up. If grammar continues to be pushed to the side over the years, it will eventually be eliminated.Grammar may not seem Important, but It can change our lives. Speaking properly helps us In college, Jobs, and even social events. Focusing more on grammar In English curriculums Is a small change could make a difference for our country. It may not put us at the highest ranking for education, but s certainly a start we need to prove to toner countries Tanat we are not quilters, and we certainly will not lower our standards. If anything, we should try to higher our standards so that we will not be so inferior to other countries.

Friday, September 13, 2019

2-DISCUSSION QUESTION Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2-DISCUSSION QUESTION - Coursework Example ning.† Although Maude has a constitutional right to park her car in place properly designated for her, she has no right parking her car in a place reserved for handicapped whether in hurry or not. Therefore, she is not respecting the rights of others i.e. the handicapped. However, from another perspective, I think Maude is acting ethically. Going by the definition of physical handicap, I think Maude is physically handicapped, given that she parks her car at this place whenever she is in a hurry implying loss of memory coordination and sensation. However, given that she has not been diagnosed with this condition, I can authoritatively conclude by saying that she is acting unethically. Ethical issues involving minors has become a contentious issue in the world today. An act can be described legal but unethical. Legally, the 16-year old girl should not be put on the pill, but what remains a puzzle is whether the doctor’s action is ethical or not. Under the policy statement about ethical issues involving children, the policy statement states that, drugs may affect children in a different way from adults (Watterberg et al., 2013). Parents have the responsibility of bringing up their children in an ethical manner; thus, from a religious perspective, the doctor should have denied the girl the accessibility to medical pill with or without the parents’ approval because this violates Christian beliefs. However, the law provides for confidentiality of the doctor-patient privacy and, therefore, a doctor should under no circumstance share any information of his or her patient with anyone be it a minor or an adult. However, the girl being a minor she is deemed n ot able to make an independent decision concerning her health status and, therefore, the doctor acted within ethical lines in contacting her

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Technology in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Technology in Education - Essay Example This essay stresses that one of the basic requirements to acquire education was that the teacher and the student had to meet physically and in a time bound frame where the student had the limited opportunity to go about a topic and learn as much as he or she may in a specific time domain. As the paper declare that resource availability to the teachers was limited where they may ensure their continuous learning process in order to transfer the updated and up-to-mark knowledge to the students. This barrier differed from area to area, resources to resources and interest to interest whereby one may want to acquire specific knowledge but couldn’t get approach to the required resources. Major way-outs to this in old times were library, books and scholars where a person may approach and quench his or her thirst for specific information or knowledge. With the advent of computers followed by internet mania, the whole scenario has changed so rapidly, that there is hardly any effort needed in general to approach the knowledge ,open to the rest of the world if interest is prevailing. Few decades before, one had to go through the piles of pages and put up a great deal of effort in order to find the piece of specific information he or she wants to know, however it is totally in the reach of the common person due to technological advancements. Search engines, growing libraries on the internet and virtually accessible databases have now turned down the biggest hurdle in acquiring knowledge that is the accessibility issue. As the time has passed over past few decades, the importance of technological advancement has remarkable increased as well. This has caused new ways of learning in education process. After the times of educating by the physical academic material, electronic era began. Personal computers ruled over the market for quite some time and then laptops became famous due to numerous reasons. One of the most common reasons is the mobility. Laptops motivate students and help to simplify for the students any complicated information, especially, in the subjects like science and math. Students can study conveniently by accessing class education at home due to mobility feature. However, this technology is cost effective and sometimes it is hard to cap ture the attention of all students and also to make sure that all of them are using their laptops to achieve what they are told in class. Not only academic and basic education, but also professional education has been excessively impacted in positive terms by the technological advancements over the past few decades. Different fields including medical, engineering, economics, technology and business studies have prospered because up-to-date information about each subject and domain can be easily accessed via laptops through internet. Wi-Fi technology has attracted not only students, but also teachers to work with complete attention on their laptops as wires irritate the users and users like students and professionals like teachers need panic-free environment to concentrate as they are in to academic world. However, there are also many disadvantages of using laptops in classrooms. Certainly, if a student has internet and laptop with him in teen-age, he / she might tend to open social networking sites, chatting applications where anyone can message them upon finding them online. This

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Product and Brand Management in Barclays Bank Essay

Product and Brand Management in Barclays Bank - Essay Example In terms of relative performance with in a market, a brands positioning can reflect a battle for the customers mind (Lilien, Rangaswamy & De Bryun, 2013, p. 99). By providing the customers services and products in retail banking the position of the Barclays bank in consumers mind is significant. This brings the competitive advantage to bank as more customers prioritize the Barclays bank for their personal and corporate requirements. The business process leads in the chosen markets of this organization and besides this they have culture based high performance and behavioural excellence. By this positioning strategy the organizations ideology of business, its capabilities to serve the customers, satisfaction of consumers and stake holders and ability to sustain in the competitive environment and making services and products of competitive advantage is efficiently possible.Strategies are the future actions plans that are to be implemented in accomplishments of goals and objectives of an organization. Positioning strategies are evolved when they are several well defined competitors are present with fairly unambiguous images (Stevens et al., 1997, p. 159)In the analysis it is found that the Barclays Bank has potential future positioning options which place the organization in the top position. There are two options which can be focused for the brands within the retail banking.The business process leads in the chosen markets of this organization and besides this they have culture based high performance and behavioural excellence. By this positioning strategy the organizations ideology of business, its capabilities to serve the customers, satisfaction of consumers and stake holders and ability to sustain in the competitive environment and making services and products of competitive advantage is efficiently possible.